Seasons of Yercaud

Seasons in Yercaud

The climate of Yercaud is moderate, humid and subtropical


  1. Winters are fairly mild, starting in December and ending in February.
  2. During winter, the hills are covered in mist.
  3. Winters range from 12 °C to 24 °C

Winter in Yercaud begins in November and extends through to February. Winter season in Yercaud tends to be very cold and misty. January is the coldest month in Yercaud. The atmospheric temperature during winter comes down to a minimum of 10°C during nights. Winter days are warm with a maximum temperature of 25°C. Cool winds increase the intensity of winter.


March – June summers from 16 °C to 30 °C.


July – November Rainfall is 1500–2000 mm. The Monsoon season in Yercaud is characterized by heavy rains and strong winds. The temperature comes down during monsoon with a maximum of 20°C and a minimum of 14°C during rainy days. There will be a rise in humidity during monsoon in Yercaud.

The coffee bushes blossom in April and offer a spectacular view. The climate is also particularly pleasant.

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